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Sound Reacting Star Wars At-St Bandai Model made With Arduino | Vilros

Sound Reacting Star Wars At-St Bandai Model made With Arduino | Vilros

Sound Reacting Star Wars At-St Bandai Model made With Arduino | Vilros

This is a great Arduino project for Star Wars fans, especially those that love the movie sound effects. This project is an At-St Bandai model made with Arduino and Model parts as well as for instructions on how to make it happen!

Now, this project requires some more advanced Arduino skills and knowledge of electronics. If you are not familiar with these topics or don’t have the skill set to do it, then make sure to check out our other great Star Wars projects for beginners!

The above video shows how this motorized AT-ST works. As you can see, it detects sound and turns head towards the source. The code and all the instructions are available on Instructables.com.