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Interactive Pong Table | Vilros

Interactive Pong Table | Vilros

Interactive Pong Table | Vilros

When you think of beer pong, what comes to mind? Plastic folding tables and cups. But this game is about to make it so much more than that! Meet the Interactive Pong Table from Instructables user boregan1. This cool Arduino project features a fully-custom tabletop gaming experience with 20 total cup zones - LED lit up red or blue for each team player at opposite ends of the board (which can be used for any number of games) and arcade buttons around its sides if players want an instant game.

The game involves a special ball-detecting plate with built in IR sensors .A total of four Arduino Nanos were used to build the Interactive Pong Table, with each one being responsible for a single aspect and communicating with the others via the I2C protocol The ball is detected by the top surface of the glass, and when it enters any of the zones around the edge of the table, it triggers an Arduino to shoot a corresponding color lit LED light at opposing players. The table has LED lights located beneath the cups. When one cup is taken away, the LEDs start to light up or play an animation. The game on the main controller can keep track of which player has fewer cups left. 



The Interactive Pong Table is a great arduino project for anyone who loves to tinker. Made with just two boards and some RGB LEDs, this table will be sure to liven up any party! Read more about it here on Instructables or take a look at the video below!


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