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8 Steps to an Arduino Electric Longboard

8 Steps to an Arduino Electric Longboard

8 Steps to an Arduino Electric Longboard

In this project, you will learn how to build an electric motorized longboard from scratch using Arduino. This project is inspired by YouTuber GreatScott!, and we want to thank him for sharing such a cool idea for Arduino.

We love this longboard because it can reach speeds up to 34 km/h and travel up to 20km with a single charge. Plus, the estimated costs are only about $300 which makes it a good alternative to commercial solutions. Let's get started!

• Step 1: Watch Part 1 of the Video Series

During the first part, you will see how to build the longboard itself. The process is rather simple, but if you’d rather skip these next few steps, you can always get a completed board from your favorite seller. The method of attaching the motor and the electronics later on will stay the same.

• Step 2: Board Template & Parts List for Your Homemade Board

Board Parts

Here are the materials you will need to build your own longboard (the first items you should be able to find at your local hardware store, and the rest can be bought quickly and cheaply from Amazon):

Hardware Store:
2x 55x122cm 4mm thick beech plywood
1x 55x122cm 6mm thick beech plywood
2x 550g waterproof wood glue
1x wood glaze (walnut)

1x Longboard Kit
1x Grip Tape

• Step 3: Adapter.svg File & Parts List

You will also need the following electronic gear to build your own board:

Hardware Store:
1x 120x1000mm 0.5mm thick steel sheet
1x 160x100mm 10mm thick aluminum
2x cable gland

2x 22.2V 5000mAh LiPo Battery
1x 80A ESC
5x XT60 Connector
2x 3 Position Toggle Switch

• Step 4: Watch Part 2 of the Video Series

In this second part of the video trilogy, you will see the mechanical build.

This includes attaching a gear wheel to one wheel, milling an adapter to connect the motor to the already mentioned gear wheel, and finally mounting the cases for the electronics onto the board.

Electric Longboard

• Step 5: The Wiring

Make sure to only switch on one battery at a time. Otherwise, you will charge the empty battery through the full one and the ESC might not function correctly.
For the wiring, we recommend using 12AWG red & black wire.

• Step 6: Build the Transmitter and Receiver Circuit!

Here are the materials you’ll need for this next part, including suggestions on where to find them on either eBay or Amazon:

1x STX882 Transmitter, SRX882 Receiver
1x NE5534
1x Slide Switch
1x 300-380mAh 3.7V LiPo Battery or this
1x Charging/Protection Circuit
3x 10k Resistor
1x Micro USB Board

1x STX882 Transmitter, SRX882 Receiver
1x NE5534
1x ATtiny45

• Step 7: Watch Part 3 of the Video Series

In the final part of the video series, you will learn about the wiring inside the cases and how to create a remote control from an old Wii nunchuck.

• Step 8: Success!

You did it! You just built your own Arduino electric motorized longboard from scratch!

Feel free to check out more project ideas on our Vilros website so you can start more awesome projects using Arduino and Raspberry Pi products. All of us here at Vilros hope you have fun using this how-to guide to build your own creations!