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How do I start my child coding?

How do I start my child coding?

How do I start my child coding?

How do I start my child coding?

Teaching kids to code? Well, we wouldn’t have thought about it before 2020. It is a tough call; however, it is also significant. The future demands that kids be more proactive and have unique problem-solving skills. 


Coding is not only about writing applications and software programs. It trains your child to become a problem solver in all fields of life. It instills the values of determination and hard work to come up with amazing ideas just to find a suitable solution. 


This is why Steve Jobs insisted on it, and this is the reason everyone now in 2022 thinks that kids should learn to code. Now, the next part is a little more challenging for most parents. 


Helping your kids to be interested in coding can be made easy. All you need are a few tips. Just the slightest effort, and they might start loving. 


Probably, there is no harm in trying, at least. So, want to dive into the tips? Let’s begin!


Tips to get your kid into coding

Although it is a logic-based activity, computer programming may also be a creative expression.


The struggle of building something and the satisfaction of seeing the finished product is what many programmers live for.


Don't be discouraged by the technical language or the idea that coding is complicated. The appropriate guidelines may make learning to code enjoyable and simple.


One little tip, in the beginning, does not force. Yes, nave uses force as your tactic. 


Kids tend to hate it and find excuses to escape it as soon as possible. If you are genuinely interested in teaching your kids some amazing coding skills, take it slow and let them have fun with it. 


  • Help them understand coding

Knowing this about yourself, though, prevents you from trying to be someone you're not and, more precisely, from trying to communicate without conviction or assurance. Hence, going simple is acceptable. It's acceptable to use analogies to explain. You may use examples.


The same is with the coding. You can go basic in the beginning. 

Define coding for them…


So, what is coding? Do you know? Let us help.

Simply, coding is telling a computer to perform something using step-by-step commands. The idea with this code is for the computer to do what it’s being told to accomplish a specified result.


Coding is used to instruct apps to run on mobile devices and video games to run on gaming consoles. A large portion of what your kids do on their laptops, on the websites they visit, and on social media is powered by coding.


Although some claim that computers are intelligent, remember that they would be lifeless without coding.


  • Teach them through their favorite method

Gamification is the most famous method for instructing children about programming. It visually amuses them, gives them "wins," and makes it seem less like work and more like play. And it's effective.


How do we know?

Well, a study titled Digital Game-Based Learning in High School Computer Science Education: Impact on Educational Effectiveness and Student Motivation was written by MarinaPapastergiou. She demonstrated that the gaming strategy increased students' motivation to study and their familiarity with computer memory concepts.


Besides, we must keep in mind that the generation we are supposed to teach is from the time of youtube. So, yes, books won’t work at all. Visuals, research, challenges, rewards, group discussions, and practicals will most likely help more. 


  • Choose the language - Preferably Linux

Why Linux? You must know that the goal is to teach kids visually and especially draw their attention to their problem-solving skills. This is where Linux comes in very handy. 


Its diversity makes it more reliable! 


Everyone has their own Linux, and that is never bad. Whether you need a Linux package for coding, everyday use, or the Internet of Things, you may find one that meets your demands. The same applies if you require a Linux for children. 


There are numerous options available. And every distributor provides a different product.


Linux for young children is not truly intended for widespread use. They emphasize educational objectives by establishing a computing environment focused on learning. Many academic institutions have already switched to kid-friendly Linux distributions.


Besides, if we talk about other languages, there are Java, Scratch, Lua, and a lot more. Ultimately, it is totally up to you how you want your kid to learn.


  • Start small

Once you have taught them basics and they have also gone through the language understanding, they need to move on to the projects. 


Just not the big ones yet. 


So, start small before they begin learning how to write the code, and have them gain a feel for visually programming using any appropriate or a comparable application. Or perhaps they can discover a mobile application that teaches them programming (see the resources at the end of this post).


Anyone who wishes to take modest steps toward learning how to program will benefit greatly from participating in these activities.


  • Help them get familiar with coding terms

To be honest, you should familiarize yourself with coding terminology before attempting to teach it to children. We won't cover everything, but to get things started, consider the following:


  • Variables serve as informational "boxes," storing crucial data. It can store several data types, including text and numbers.
  • Conditional statements help to steer the flow of a program by running specific sections of code when certain conditions are met.
  • Loops enable a chunk of code to be run repeatedly. So a while loop is used when a code block needs to run a set number of times.
  • Functions give programmers the chance to accomplish tasks rather than repeatedly writing several statements!


  • Time for some real action

As we said earlier that Linux is a preferred language for many reasons. So, if you plan to begin with it, get the Linux distro for your kid. 


If you intend to set up a computer lab or anything else, you are not required to pay anything for the OS. Additionally, you receive a learning-oriented OS rather than additional applications on a conventional OS. It will be a brand-new learning atmosphere for your students and the children.


Regarding kids, several Linux distributions are made for users as young as 3 years old. Child-friendly Linux distributions typically include an interface simplified with big, bright icons and a collection of apps specifically made with children in mind.


So, get the package, set up the environment accordingly on your system, and get them to work on the projects. 


On Average, at what age can a child start coding?

Know that today's kids are growing with computers, video games, mobile devices, tablets, and other technology. Additionally, they might have already started to exhibit interest in learning game development and coding techniques. But is this a smart course of action, and should you allow young kids to begin learning to code?


Yes, of course. 


Beginner coding lessons can be given to kids as young as 7. In reality, coding for kids has become increasingly popular over the past few years as technology has gradually assimilated into daily life. Children can be prepared for a lifetime of opportunities for success with early exposure to coding.


How to make coding interesting for kids?

Even while independence can be incredibly rewarding, many kids still prefer having their parents by their side as they explore new things. Besides, having someone to perform specific assignments together can help them with critical thinking.


As you know, there will be a difference of opinion, which can lead to more fruitful results. 


Moreover, it might be far less intimidating and overwhelming to approach learning new topics alongside someone you trust. If your youngster is reluctant to learn how to code, why not suggest that you both do so? Even if you don't consider yourself highly tech-savvy, you could still benefit greatly from these coding exercises. 


Final Words - Do not forget the challenges

Once your kid is deep into the coding, the healthy challenge might help him/her boost their skills. If they are into creating more systems, we are sure Raspberry Pi kits can also help. There are also some retro gaming kits available, and it would be perfect for your kids to start developing some real-life projects. Indeed, they are going to mess up a lot. 


But that’s what experimentation is for. So, let them have fun with their latest tools. You can assist them in getting handy with these kits through the guides and resources available at Vilros. Our Raspberry Pi starter kits, including Pico and Zero, contain everything you need to get started, including quality parts. The parts which we have tested and use ourselves daily. Shop them with other boards anytime. 


If you are hesitating to get your kids into coding, just remember that a massive part of coding-based things is already adding to our lifestyle. So, undoubtedly, it will be a huge thing for the future. Just keep in mind along with the tips above, and you will be good, to begin with, with the fundamentals of coding with kids.