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Learn to Use Arduino Web Editor

Learn to Use Arduino Web Editor

Learn to Use Arduino Web Editor

Would you like to be able to create using Arduino online from any platform? Arduino Web Editor makes this possible, as well allowing you to save sketches to the cloud and make sure your design software is always up-to-date.

Here at Vilros, we want to make sure you’ve got all the skills you need to be a successful creator, everything from the basics to more advanced project skills.  So, here is your guide to getting started with Arduino Web Editor:

1. Sign Up and Log In

First you will want to make sure you’re signed up at Arduino. (If you aren’t yet registered, you can create an new account here.)

Once you’ve registered with Arduino, you should get an email with a link so you can log-in to your account.  Next you’ll want to go to create.arduino.cc/editor to begin using the Editor. 

2. Choose Your Platform / Browser (Google Chrome Recommended)

Next, you’ll want to choose your platform(s). Arduino Web Editor can run from multiple platform, including Ma, Windows, or Linux.

When it comes to choosing a browser, Arduino recommends Chrome.  They even have two subscription models with the chrome app depending on whether you’re a private user or an education provider.

3. The Anatomy of the Editor

Now you’re ready to get started with Arduino Web Editor!

When you open the web app, you’ll notice the screen is divided into 3 main vertical columns:

  1. Menu – from here you can navigate to use your “Sketchbook,” “Examples,” “Libraries,” “Serial Monitor,” “Help” or “Preferences.”
  2. Open Tab – whenever you select a menu item, its options appear here.
  3. Coding – this is the area you will be working in to write your code, upload it your boards, even save to the cloud and share digitally with friends!

4. Board Connections

    Now that the Editor is installed, it’s time to make sure your boards are connected and you can upload a program.

    Once you connect a board, it should be auto-discovered by the Editor and able to be selected to use.

    You should now be able to upload a program. Try out the “Basic” program from the “Examples” menu. Once it is uploaded, the yellow LED light marked “L” should now be blinking – if so, it is now successfully connected!

    5. Using the Serial Monitor

    One of the options in the first column menu is “Serial Monitor” – this monitor read your selected board. It is also here that you can change which board you’re using if you have more than one connected.

    If you want to test your Serial Monitor and start getting used to it, try uploading “Examples > 03.Analog > AnalogInOutSerial”

    6. Documenting and Sharing

    It’s always smart to document your projects as you work on them. You can import your own documentation images by clicking on the last tab of the third column and selecting “Import File into Sketch.” 

    When you’re ready to share your sketch, just click the “Share” button – every sketch you create will be given a unique URL that you can pass along.  Whoever gets access to your link will be able to see your code and save it to use it too.

    You should now know everything you need to get started with the Arduino Web Editor on any platform.  For more details, be sure to check out this guide. You might also want to check out this tutorial if you’re moving to the Arduino Web Editor from Codebender.

    And for more fun project ideas with Arduino or Raspberry Pi, be sure to check for updates on our Vilros projects blog!